Just because the kids are limited as to what they can do this summer, it doesn’t mean their fun needs to be compromised! Here are some cool activities to keep them entertained while learning!

DIY Moon Sand Recipe
- 8 cups all-purpose flour (not gluten free)
- 1 cup baby oil or another oil that you’d prefer
- Mixing bowl
- Dough blender
- Put all ingredients into a large mixing bowl.
- Using a dough blender, combine the baby oil and flour well.
- Put it in a large container outside, and let your children play freely with it.
Credit: Happy Mothering

Salt Dough Dinosaur Fossils
- Toy dinosaurs
- Paint brushes
- Bowl
- Rolling pin
- Baking tray
- Salt dough
- Acrylic paints
- Mod podge (optional to seal)
- When you have made your salt dough split it into 8 similar sized clumps, give out to the children.
- Roll the salt dough to approximately 3/4 inch thick.
- Into the flat surface, carefully press a small toy dinosaur.
- To dry the salt dough before painting, place on a baking tray and into an oven on the lowest setting for approximately 2 hours.
- Once dry, paint your salt dough fossils to make them look like rocks.
- Leave to dry and if you wish to seal them then apply a coat of mod podge to the dry painted fossil.
Credit: Rainy Day Mum

Heat Sensitive Color Changing Slime Recipe
- 1/4 cup white school glue
- 1 Tbsp water
- 3 tsp thermochromic pigment
- 1/4 cup liquid starch
- Food coloring
- Decide on your color scheme for the slime. The color of thermochromic pigment will be the color of the slime when it is cold. Then pick an alternating color of food coloring for the hot color. Think color wheel neighbors to make the transition smooth.
- For example:
- Blue pigment with yellow food coloring (Slime is teal and turns yellow when hot)
- Red pigment with yellow food coloring (Slime is orangey red and turns yellow when hot)
- Blue pigment with red food coloring (slime is purple and turns pink when hot)
- For example:
- Pour 1/4 cup glue into a large bowl. Add 1 Tbsp water and stir until combined. Add 5 drops of food coloring and mix well. Then add 3 tsp of thermochromic pigment and mix until uniformly distributed.
- Add 1/8 cup liquid starch and mix until thick and slimy. Then knead the slime with your hands and return to the starch mixture for another mixing. (This step is important because it makes sure there’s no unmixed glue hiding in the center of your slime ball.) If slime is still sticky, add additional starch, a little bit at a time, and knead until not sticky anymore. Most batches will use almost all of the starch.
- Store slime in a glass or plastic container with a lid for up to one week.
Credit: Left Brain Craft Brain

Rainbow Soap Foam Recipe
- Food coloring
- Water
- Palmolive dish soap
- Hand mixer
- Glitter (optional)
- In a bowl, add 1/4 cup water, 2 Tbsp Palmolive dish soap and 5-10 drops of food coloring. This is when you’ll add the glitter if used.
- Mix on high with a hand mixer for about 2 minutes, until peaks form.
- Put the foam into a shallow bin. On a rainy day, you could put it into the bathtub.
- Rinse the bowl and beaters and follow the instructions again using a different color of food coloring. Repeat until the desired number of colors are created, adding each to the bin.
Credit: The Chaos and the Clutter